Arni Tech Tejarat after-sales services
Our trained professionals are ready to help quickly solve all your technical problems
Contact us by phone, SMS or email
Spare parts
Do you Have trouble sourcing the original and reliable spare parts?
We are here to extend our helping hands.
Welltec supplies quality and original spare parts even for older machines. We will help you with technical knowledge and after-sales service network.
Are you Worried about how to operate the machines?
We are ready to help.
From on- site training, technical workshops to tailor-made training Programs, it is our mission to ensure your engineers and specialists to master the set-up, operation, process technology and maintenance of our machines
To place an order and inquire about prices, please get in touch with us through the following communication methods or leave us a message at the bottom of the page.
Tel/fax: +98-(21)26373945 – +98-(21)26372207
Mobile: +98-9103175097 – +98-9103175096
Whats app: +98-9103175096